No Fucks Given!
Have you noticed your emotional and physical exhaustion leading to “no fucks given” in this current climate of the world?
I am here to tell you that it is the negative cost of caring— compassion fatigue! The diminished ability to empathize with those around you right now is not unusual. Many of us are dealing with a shift in work environments, a pivot in lifestyle, stress levels varying, and the unknown. These changes make it challenging to maintain compassion towards yourself and others. Letting you in on a little tip, if this is you, you are not alone.
Lately, I have noticed the culmination of the world’s events and my personal circumstances causing emotional exhaustion and overwhelm! This has led to withdrawal for me. I find myself not only neglecting my family and friends but also myself. One of the things I have done is actively try and identify the emotions I am having and behaviors resulting from those emotions. What I have noticed is that it all begins with my thoughts about what is going on around me, which has led me to participate in my life more intentionally. This allows me to focus on what will help me feel more fulfilled and create thoughts that serve me. Living with intention being my main focus enabled me to manage emotions and behaviors that are exhausting.
We see present common side effects when experiencing compassion fatigue, such as internalizing others’ burdens, inability to concentrate, physical or mental exhaustion, poor self-care, depression, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. I mean, seriously, most of us are going through our world events’ unique challenges personally, and then we are simultaneously faced with those of our friends, family, and co-workers. Without a doubt, these challenges are exhausting and provide a simple explanation for why the side effects can include those listed above.
While this is normal, it can also be a form of secondary traumatic stress that we can benefit from addressing before it causes irreparable damages to our well-being and others. At this point, you may be wondering, “What can I do to lessen my chances of falling victim to compassion fatigue?” Well, I have some answers for you; check them out below!
1) Be aware of our physical and emotional boundaries.
Physical Boundaries— include our body, personal space, and privacy.
Emotional Boundaries— involve separating our feelings from another’s feelings.
2) Create a structure and routine within our day.
Structure and a routine can promote well-being because we know what to expect, it reassures us, there is consistency, and it allows us to have an opportunity to feel accomplished.
3) Take brief mental or physical breaks.
When we breakdown and begin to not feel as though we are ourselves, it can be due to a build-up of severe mental distress. To avoid stress from building up and becoming intolerable and impairing, leading to breakdowns, we must find time to take breaks.
4) Engage in an activity that allows for replenishing.
These activities look different for everyone. Some ideas may include physical activity, DIY’s, journaling, or spiritual practices.
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-Nikki Frias, Creator of Girltellme.com
Nikki says, “Girltellme.com was created after I realized how hard it was to get my work published online; even for free. I would send tireless emails pitching and would either get radio silence or a simple “nah” from publishers. After a while, I decided instead of being just accepting the shits, I wanted to create opportunities. I wanted to be the one “yes” in an Atlantic Ocean sea of “nah’s” all while making people laugh…and just like that- BOOM; the .com was born.
*Also, please note it wasn’t just a boom instant creation, a bitch is out here working, haha.
Since launching in 2019, Girltellme.com has evolved from mainly a publishing platform to a community of female authors, poets, editors and business owners representing the holes in the writing industry.
At the end of the day, my mission is to help people, make people laugh and most importantly show how we are more alike than not on a daily basis. We do many things, but in a nutshell… We publish, promote, inspire and encourage female writers and creatives alike to kill shit.”