AIJ Sponsors a Small Business!
Local small business Lemonade51o aims to represent the Bay Area culture, community, and consciousness.

No way!
Correct, Lemonade has become a Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) Skill taught in mental health to encourage people to be resilient. Who would have thought a saying we hear all the time has so much power behind it? Let us explore resilience!
What is resilience?
- Resilience is a process
- The capacity to bounce back from setbacks
- The mastery to overcome adversity
- The ability to cope well with changes
- Resilience is a skill that can be learned
What are the characteristics of high resilience?
- Playfulness and curiosity
- Strong and healthy relationships
- Mental and emotional flexibility
- A solid sense of self-esteem, confidence, motivation, and awareness
- Deep optimism
- Healthy boundaries
- Empathetic person
These are good questions to ask yourself when assessing your resilience!
- Do you adapt easily to change?
- Do you see the glass half full?
- Can you laugh at yourself?
- Are you confident most of the time?
- Do you have a strong support network?
As a reminder, the capacity to be resilient is within all of us! It is essential always to be kind to ourselves when facing challenges; our resilience can diminish and be effected based on circumstances.
In honor of sharing the DBT skill Lemonade, we asked local small business Lemonade51o, “what does resilience mean to them?” Bask in their response with us. We love it!

An Insightful Journey also sponsored local small business Lemonade51o to create shirts that foster the DBT skill Lemonade. The message on the shirts reads, “Make lemonade, make life, make time, make energy.” This message was created by Lemonade51o to remind individuals about resilience.
They have made an exclusive amount from this sponsorship! Shirts will be available for sale on their website linked above!