Stress is Normal; Reducing stress is a practice

Stress is normal; reducing the impacts of stress is a practice.

1. Let go of the past and be in the present moment.

  • Notice what your body feels like, notice your surroundings, say your name, and notice your existence.

2. Once you are in the present moment, be kind to yourself.

  • Now complete a sentence using your name with an affirmation. Turn inward and give yourself some kindness.

3. Continue to foster grace as you relax into the moment.

  • Relax your body, relax your face, and have a relaxed, gentle attitude toward your experience.

Below are some Breathing Exercises to observe your breath so that you can take hold of your mind and accept what the reality at this moment is. (Source: Kaiser IOP)

1. Observe the sensation of breathing

You are focusing on sensations of breathing. In the nostrils, to the back of the throat. The expansion in the chest and extension of the belly. Then exhale – the fall of the chest, the warmth of the air at the nostrils, sense of “resting into” the out-breath. Then without holding your breath or trying to control it, note what happens in yourself after an exhale, before the next inhale. Observe the next inhale whenever your body next breathes in. Stay with this for as long as you can until you feel calmer.

2. Continue your breath

As you inhale, be aware that “I am inhaling ‘one.” When you exhale, be aware that “I am exhaling ‘one.” Remember to breathe from the stomach. When beginning the second inhalation, be aware that “I am inhaling ‘two.” And slowly exhaling, be aware that “I am exhaling ‘two.” Continue up through 10. After you have reached 10, return to one.

3. Breathing with your feelings

Lie or sit down if the situation permits. As you begin to breathe in, allow your stomach to relax and expand to bring air into the lower half of your lungs. Continue to take in the air until you feel comfortably full. Let the air out a little more slowly than you breathed in. The exhalation will be longer than the inhalation. Don’t tire yourself. Continue 3-5 breaths. 

While breathing, begin to love this moment just as it is without needing it to change. Without needing others to change, and do nothing but what you are doing, breathing and reducing stress in your practice.

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