Quotable Moments Shared Below!

What is advocacy?
“The act or process of supporting a cause or proposal” (Merriam Webster). When we begin to support or recommend a particular cause or policy publicly through volunteer service or any other community support it is generally something important to us. These are opportunities to determine what advocacy efforts we would like to pursue based on our experience and the way it makes us feel to do the work.
That is the simplest explanation for what led our founder to the mission of An Insightful Journey. Community involvement that fosters collaborative efforts, advocacy, resourcing, researching, and educating has been the core of our founders’ personal and professional work. The skills and tools that she has developed from this work have helped her identify her belief system, expectations, standards, and leadership guide. When we find something that resonates with us, and we begin to pursue it, we have the opportunity to see what happens when people collaborate in the community and charitable organizations deliver to a cause! Witnessing that work helps us determine how we will make an impact ourselves.
Sometimes the hard part is determining what we want to pursue. Below I share four tips to consider for identifying the advocate in you.

Etashe Linto “Writer and Podcast Host ll There are 3 things I care about; Learning, mental wellness, and books. And there are 2 things I don’t quite enjoy; Horror Movies and my dog-like sense of smell. But here’s one thing I’m really passionate about; storytelling.”