Insight on Eric’s Journey! In this interview we explore what it’s like to navigate life as a Black man. Eric shares some of his earliest moments as a Black individual. It is so important that we talk about how long this has gone on. In the climate of the world today, light is being shed on the the experiences of the Black Community. It is unfortunate to say there are people who are only now becoming aware of the injustice that this community has faced.
Eric has provided so much insight into how stereotypes of Black people have impacted the way he navigates life and how it has inadvertently affected his mental health.
If you are doing your part in this revolution by educating yourself watch the full video below and learn more!
*Disclaimer: I use the word ‘world’ referring to the United States (apparent error). I am human and make mistakes, but more importantly, that word was used because I was thinking about his experiences with human and social interaction in different places.
Exemplifying Black Excellence
Eric Moore studied Manufacturing Engineering in his undergraduate studies at North Carolina A&T State University, obtaining a bachelor’s of science degree. During his freshman year, he was apart of a living-learning community (LLC), a program to bring students in the major together to network, do projects in groups, and meet with people who worked in the manufacturing fields.
Eric has continued to further his education and currently attends Florida Institute of Technology for his MBA with a concentration in project management. He is a member of the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) to expand his network and seek more opportunities. Within this program, he can network with Black engineers like himself to conduct programs and projects for young Black students.