Gain Insight and Access here for LGBTQIA+ Hxstory Month!

What is LGBTQIA+ History month?

LGBTQIA+ hxstory month is observed to provide education and insight into these community members’ issues. This year, AIJ highlights some critical events in American Hxstory that have impacted this community, both progressive and regressive, to emphasize that the fight is not over. In the 21st century, we still see a mass amount of inequality and discrimination, and it is unjust. There is still a lot of work to outlaw discriminatory laws and practices against the LGBTQIA+ community. We are also sharing some mental health resources for those who are looking for inclusive services. On October 31st, we will be posting our interview with Community Health Worker Terra Parker, where we talk about some of the community’s experiences and its impacts on mental health.

A Love Story!

Terra shares, “Heidi and I met in 2014 on a dating website, we hit it off immediately and met the next day after talking for only 24 hours. Shortly after meeting her grandmother fell ill and I helped her get down to Los Angeles by driving her since her car at the time wouldn’t have made it, after that we slowly started to fall for each other after spending so much time together. Heidi fell in love first, saying it was my pure heart and unconditional love that made her know I was one of a kind, and I fell for her ambition, unrequited love, and how amazing she treated me after being hurt so many times before her. Over the years me and her daughter have grown close and we have become a family unit, filled with love, commitment, and endurance. Some say we are a once in a lifetime love story.”
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Terra is a certified Community Health Worker and shares the experience of earning the certification at City College of San Francisco, “The CMH program at CCSF is a hands on program ran by Sal and Edith Nuñez. They are amazing teachers and overall just amazing people. You really get close with your classmates and learn a lot about mental health and other people’s experiences with it. We do a lot of role playing which leads us to close relationships as well. I highly recommend this program to anyone who is passionate about mental health and wants to get a foot in the door but also who learn better in a non-traditional learning environment.”

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